You have been injured in an automobile accident. A loved one has been killed by a drunk driver. An eighteen wheeler forced you off the road, causing accident and injury. After a surgical procedure, you discover that the medical team made an egregious error and you have been harmed as a result. You have been the victim of an assault, perhaps a sexual assault.
These are just a few of the reasons that people seek counsel regarding the filing of a civil lawsuit for damages, commonly known as a personal injury lawsuit. Whatever the cause, legal counsel is imperative to safeguard your rights and to make informed decisions regarding your case.
Perhaps the single most important factor regarding these types of cases is time. The law governing personal injury contains multiple obstacles regarding deadlines. Every single action has a deadline for filing known as the statute of limitations. There are many different statutes for many different actions. Even the calculation of time is altered in these actions! Do not go headlong down this obstacle course without the assistance of counsel.
This information is provided as a general guide only. It cannot substitute for experienced counsel from a competent attorney. If you need further information on a personal injury claim, please call our office and make an appointment to speak with J. Michael Giglio. You may also visit our contact page and communicate directly with Mr. Giglio.